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Santa Rosa Downtown/Station Area Specific Plan

The Santa Rosa Downtown Station Area Specific Plan (DSASP) is the blueprint for development and preservation in a 720-acre area at the heart of the city. Originally adopted in 2007, a key objective of the DSASP is to increase the number of residents and employees within walking distance of the SMART station; however, 12 years after adoption, only 100 housing units had been constructed downtown in spite of a booming Bay Area economy. Dyett & Bhatia led a comprehensive update to the Plan focused on removing barriers to development, improving connectivity and walkability, fostering economic and retail vitality, and helping realize Downtown’s full potential. Developed with extensive community engagement, the Plan incorporates strategies to promote high-density, transit oriented mixed use and residential development as well as to facilitate construction of urban parks and gathering places, activate the creekside multi-use trails that traverse the area, and optimize the use of City-owned parking. D&B also prepare a Subsequent EIR for the project, which involved a thoughtful approach to historic preservation.

Dyett & Bhatia led a process that rigorous background analysis with a thoughtful, inclusive approach to stakeholder and community engagement. The result is a bold plan that garnered widespread support in the community and was adopted unanimously by the City Council in October 2020. Since adoption more than 750 new residential units have been approved downtown or are under review. The project won the 2022 APA Northern California Section Award of Excellence for Comprehensive Planning (Large Jurisdiction) and a Statewide Award of excellence in the Hard Won Victories category.

Adopted 2020

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